For a while, I my sights set on August as the release month for my newest Katz Pajamas mystery. Before that I had July as the release month. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’d told myself I could have it out by June.
Now that the end of September is nearing, I can finally say that Katz Pajamas: The Catastic Carnival Caper is here. I know in my mind that it shouldn’t take me eight months to write and release a children’s chapter book of only 19,000 words, but this one did. I think it only took six months from beginning to end for Katz Pajama’s first incarnation (The Miss Kitty Mystery
), but that was half the length, which means fewer pictures. Even so, the first book meant I had to find the illustrator and develop a look that worked for me.
Maybe I have a good excuse because my full-time teaching work takes me away from a steady flow of writing, but who am I kidding? I essentially have the summers off.
For now, I’ve sort of reached the end point as I publish the third book in the Katz Pajamas series. I say “sort of” because I write not only to write but to share, so now comes the really hard part for me: Marketing. I’m officially promoting the three Katz Pajamas books on September 28th and 29th with the ebook of The Miss Kitty Mystery being FREE and the ebook of The Haunted House of Hashimoto for only 99 cents on Amazon. Of course, you can get paperback copies of all the books on Amazon too.
If you know anyone with elementary school age children, I’d love for you to share Katz Pajamas with them. It’s a fun read kids whether they’re reading it on their own or an adult is reading it to them.
Well, October is fast approaching so I better sign off here and get back to writing. I’d hate for it to be another eight months till I’m publishing again.
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